Q: How is the tablet different from the blue Playmakers?

A: The tablet is a major upgrade over the traditional blue Playmaker game consoles. The tablet features touchscreen technology (similar to Apple and Android devices), sleek new hardware, streamlined gameplay options, enhanced graphics and tons more functionality.

Improvements include:
  • Touchscreen navigation and gameplay
  • Simplified log-in process for both new guests and returning players
  • Easy-to-understand instructions that prompt players each step of the process
  • Game questions now display on the tablet device
  • Wide variety of “arcade” games to choose from, including puzzle, strategy, and word games

With content for trivia games and Texas Hold ‘Em viewable on the tablet device, turning TV screens to Buzztime becomes optional for those who want to play these games.

Guests familiar with touchscreen devices should instantly feel comfortable with the new tablet, and those new to the
technology will be able to play along easily by following the user-friendly buttons and prompts.


Q: I’m afraid the tablets will get stolen. What safety measures are in place to prevent this from happening?
A: The original operating system of the tablet has been wiped out so normal functions of the Samsung device do not
exist, only Buzztime-related software exists on the tablets. They only work within the establishment. Taking it outside of the
location will render the tablet useless.


Q: What’s the battery life on the tablets and how do I charge them?
A: Approximately 6 hours per device with normal game play activity. Buzztime has added a secondary battery to the
case to double the battery life of the tablet. To charge the tablets, simply place them in the black charging tray and they
will begin to charge. You will know the device is charging when the light indicator is red. It will turn green when fully
charged. As with the traditional Playmakers, make sure you charge your tablets overnight, every night. This is important for not only charging, but also to receive critical software updates.


Q: I’m worried about taking care of the tablets, such as keeping them from getting broken and cleaning them.
What should I do?

A: The case containing the tablet is made of very durable material, built to withstand being dropped in a restaurant
environment. Keeping them clean is as simple as cleaning your other smartphone technology. If you get sauce or some other “wet” material on the tablet, simply use an alcohol-free wipe for electronic devices.


Q: What Buzztime games can I play on the tablet?
A: The following games are currently supported on the BEOND platform:

Badge Hunter (seasonal) Lexitopia SIX The Late Shift
Buzztime Shorts Lunchtime Trivia Single Player Arcade games Topix
BrainBuster Pastimes Smartest Bar (seasonal) Trendalicious Trivia
Countdown Playback Sports Trivia Tuned In
Glory Daze SciFiles Spotlight
Immortal Words Showdown Texas Hold 'Em












The following games are currently NOT supported on the BEOND platform at this time:

The Pulse - coming Sept 2013 Ask It Already Pick 'Em Pro Football
Trivia LIVE - coming Sept 2013 Canada Eh? QB1
Any on Demand or Selectable Games Cross Checked Speed Freaks








Q: How do I access Manager Functions?
A: You can access the Manager Functions through my.buzztime.com just as you do today. If you have any trouble with your tablet devices, contact our Buzztime's Customer Service department at 800-745-4686. There is a troubleshooting and
diagnostics function built into the tablet that your Tech Support Representative will help you with during your call.


Q: Will my current ads be transferred to the new system?
A: Yes, your ads will be transferred to the new system. There is no action needed by you to transfer the ads.


Q: What is the process for Repair/Replacement of tablets?
A: To obtain replacement Tablet Playmakers due to an issue with your current set, just follow these steps.

Step 1: You will need to obtain a RMA number by calling Buzztime's Customer Service (800-745-4686). Buzztime will ship you a tablet replacement in advance to arrive in two business days, which will include a return label.

Step 2: You will replace the defective tablet into the same box and apply the return label on the box.

Step 3: Schedule a pick up from FedEx or drop if off at your nearest FedEx location.

Buzztime must receive the defective tablet within 14 days or you will be billed, which is the same policy as the traditional blue Playmaker return process.


Q: What is the tablet replacement policy?
A: Buzztime's tablet replacement policy allows for three possibilities:
  1. If the tablet is non-functional due to a Buzztime software issue, the tablet will be replaced at no cost.
  2. If a tablet has a manufacturing defect that is reported within one year of the initial installation, Buzztime will replace the tablet at no cost under the manufacturer's standard warranty. If a manufacturing defect is not reported within one year, the cost of a replacement tablet ($250) may be billable to your account.
  3. If a tablet has physical damage which occurred after the initial installation, the cost of a replacement tablet ($250) may be billable to your account.

If you have any other questions regarding BEOND not addressed in this FAQ, please contact your Account Executive or Buzztime Customer Service at 800-745-4686.